
“Apa masalah dia?!” – Lelaki ‘Horny’ Buka Zip Tayang Anu Depan Perempuan Dekat Mesin ATM

selamba tunjuk anu

Setiap perempuan pun memang akan terkejut dan takut bila berdepan dengan situasi macam ni. Lebih-lebih lagi bila tak ada orang di sekeliling. Tapi, seorang wanita buat keputusan bijak dengan menjerit bila berdepan situasi berjumpa dengan ‘flasher‘.

Seorang lelaki berumur 38 tahun ditangkap menayangkan alat sulit dia kepada seorang gadis dekat sebuah mesin ATM di India. Menurut The Hindu, mangsa bernama Shibani kongsi pengalaman dia dekat Instagram dan mendapat pujian ramai disebabkan tindakan dia memberanikan diri.

Sumber: Twitter

Kata Shibani, ketika kejadian, dia pergi ke mesin ATM to withdraw some money untuk bayar dekat pemandu rickshaw yang dia naiki. Ketika dia nak keluarkan duit, lelaki bernama Sandeep Khumbharkar tu berjalan masuk ke dalam premis dan tanya dekat Shibani sama ada dia nak pemandu tak?

Lepas tu Shibani tolak sebab dia tak perlukan pemandu dan terus keluar dari premis sebab nak bagitau pemandu rickshaw tadi tu yang mesin ATM ada problem so dia tak dapat keluarkan duit.

Sebaik saja saya keluar dari tempat ATM, saya bergaduh dengan pemandu rickshaw berkenaan bayaran tambang. Masa itulah kereta polis berhenti dan saya terangkan situasi yang berlaku kepada mereka.”


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This is what happened: Last night, I was coming home from bandra after a gig and I stopped the rickshaw at an ATM near my house. I enter the ATM and I’m frustrated when the machine won’t dispense money. This is the first time when the man (Sandeep Khumbharkar) enters the ATM and asks if I need help or want him to pay for the ride. I politely decline saying that I’ll manage. Once I exit the ATM, I get into an argument with the rickshaw guy with regards to how I’ll be paying him the fare. This is when a cop car pulls up and I explain my situation to them. 5-10 mins after talking to the cops, I say that I’ll give the ATM another try. I’m once again at the ATM trying to withdraw money. And the man enters the ATM once again. But this time, he moves in closer and touches my shoulder and thigh, again asking if I need help. I instantly back off and yell at him to stay away from me and that I don’t need his help. I go back to trying to withdraw money again, and he’s still there. When I hear him, he’s calling out to me and blatantly asking me to look at his hard dick that he had pulled out of his denim’s zipper area. I quietly start my video recorder and turn the camera right at him. That’s when he freaks out and runs out of the ATM. I run to the cop car and show them the video. They instantly start following the guy who has fled on his scooter. So today morning, I go the police station and they have already informed me that they have the guy in custody. He’s crying and pleading. But I knew I had to take action against him. So along with my dad, I filed an FIR against him. He claimed to be drunk at the time, which does not exuse his actions at all. What he did, was scary and terrifying. This was a locality wherein I felt safe. But he has ruined it for me. I can’t walk the streets feeling the same sense of safety. AND THIS IS MY HOME! I will be giving my official statement to the judge in the coming week and I plan on taking this man to court and make him pay for the way he made feel. What’s baffling is that he felt it was okay to flash his dick in a place full of cameras. (Continued in comments)

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Lepas explain dekat polis, Shibani pergi balik ke ATM untuk cuba nasib keluarkan duit. Masa dia tengah terburu-buru nak keluarkan duit, lelaki ‘flasher‘ tu datang ke arah dia dan meraba.

Dia makin rapat dan sentuh bahu dan paha saya, dan bertanya lagi jika saya perlukan bantuan.”

Terkejut, Shibani memberanikan diri dan menjerit dekat lelaki tu untuk berhenti meraba dia tapi lelaki tu tak give up pun. Dengan selamba, dia panggil Shibani dan paksa dia tengok alat sulit yang dah dikeluarkan dari seluar. 

Shibani pun apa lagi, dia terus ambil telefon dan rakam perbuatan tak senonoh lelaki tu. Bila dah tau ada orang tengah rakam video, baru dia cuak dan terus larikan diri. Korang boleh tengok sendiri video tu dekat Twitter dia.

tunjuk anu
Sumber: Mothership

Shibani terus lari pergi dekat polis dan tunjuk video tu. Polis pun terus kejar lelaki tu yang tengah cuba larikan diri naik scooter. Akhirnya, lelaki tu berjaya ditangkap dan ditahan reman.

Horny sangat ke sampai sanggup tunjuk anu dekat tempat awam?

Baca: “Dia garu-garu private dia” – Lelaki Goncang Kemaluan Di Hadapan Siswazah Di Bus Stop Seksyen 7 Shah Alam
